
Buddy by mh herlong
Buddy by mh herlong

buddy by mh herlong

Nevertheless, its most natural appeal is for slightly older readers who love realistic adventure novels. This book is not exactly a middle grades book, yet for those that love a good story, this book could be easily maneuvered. I was a bit upset that I did not find this first book when it was originally published in 2008. I became aware that I was reading the work of a gifted writer whose books deserve more attention. I wasn’t quite prepared for how smoothly this author was able to switch tone and subject matter. Once again, her website is a tremendous source of information. Herlong’s The Great Wide Sea, her first published novel. Second, after reading Buddy, I settled in to read Ms. Above all, read the book and pass it along to middle grades readers. Herlong’s Buddy website, it is tremendous. No one imagined that they would be away from their homes and their pets for more than a day or so. As you may not know, pet deaths and stranded animals was a significant issue during and after Katrina. Herlong’s Buddy is set in the context of Katrina during which a young boy, Li’l T, and his dog, Buddy, are separated during the storm. When the levees breached, a new level of destruction occurred.

buddy by mh herlong

However, as most people know, the effects of Gustav pale in comparison to the destruction, devastation, and loss of life that occurred during Katrina. We lived for eleven days without power and learned to cut and clear trees. Our first summer in Baton Rouge was 2008 and after about six weeks Hurricane Gustav provided us with an eye-opening introduction to the startling power of Mother Nature. Buddy is a wonderful middle grades novel set in New Orleans. Remember what I said about possibility, unexplored lives, connections, allusions, and serendipitous discovery? Wow, was I in for a treat over the next week as I read the books and prepared to interview this author.įirst, I read Buddy, the book that has been chosen as the topic of the seventh grade reading event at the Lab School and the impetus of Ms. I settled in and began reading the books. Herlong and I exchanged emails and arranged a time to discuss her books and her career as a writer. I asked Charity Cantey, the Lab School librarian, for an introduction to Ms. The books looked interesting the event looked like a good opportunity for me to promote a community literacy activity and explore a new author. Herlong, a great new writer and a Louisiana writer to boot. She handed me two books and an invitation to the events at the school on Oct. The University Laboratory School was planning an author event and the dean wanted to know if I was aware of the event.

buddy by mh herlong

About a month ago, I walked through the dean’s office and his secretary waved me over. They are unexplored lives, unexplored truths, and reveal connections, allusions, and serendipitous discovery.

Buddy by mh herlong