
Of Ghostes and Spirites Walking by Nyght and of Strange Noyse... by Lewes Lavater
Of Ghostes and Spirites Walking by Nyght and of Strange Noyse... by Lewes Lavater

To vvhome, vvhen, vvhere and after vvhat sort, spirits do appeare, and vvhat they do vvorke. It is proued by testimonies of holy scripture, that spirits are sometime seene and heard, and that other straunge matters do often chaunce. That there happen straunge vvonders and prognostications, and that sodeyn noises and cracks and such like, are hearde before the death of men, before battaile, and before some notable alterations and chaunges. Daily experience techeth vs that spirits do appear to mē. A proofe by other sufficient vvriters, that Spirits doe sometime appeare. That in the Bookes set foorthe by Monkes, are many ridiculous and vaine apparitions. A proofe out of the histories of the auncient Churche, and of the vvritings of holie Fathers, that there are vvalking Spirits. A proofe out of the Gentiles histories, that Spirits and ghosts do often times appeare. That many naturall things are taken to be ghosts. That it is no maruell if vayne sightes haue bene in olde time, neither yet that it is to be maruelled at, if there be any at this day. Of a certaine parishe Priest at Clauenna, vvhiche fayned him selfe to be our Lady, and of an other that counterfeited him selfe to be a soule: as also of a certeine disguised Iesuite Frier. Of a counterfaite and deceiuing spirit at Orleaunce in Fraunce. Timotheus Aelurus counterfeating him selfe to be an Angell, obteined a bissopricke: foure Monkes of the order of Preachers, made many vayne apparitions at Berna. Preestes and Monckes fained themselues to be Spirites: also hovve Mundus vnder this colour defiled Paulina, and Tyrannus abused many noble and honest matrones. Many are so feared by other men, that they suppose they haue heard or seene Spirites. Men vvhich are dull of seing and hearing imagine many things vvhich in very deed are not so. Fearefull men, imagine that they see and heare straunge things. Melancholike persons, and madde men, imagin many things vvhich in verie deede are not.

Of Ghostes and Spirites Walking by Nyght and of Strange Noyse... by Lewes Lavater

Concerning certaine vvordes vvhiche are often vsed in this Treatise of Spirits, and diuers other diuinations of things to come. Wherein is declared, that Spirites and sightes do appeare, and that sundry strange and monstrous things do happen. ¶ The firste parte of this Booke, concerning Spirites walking by night.A TABLE OF the Chapters of the three principall partes, touchyng Spirites walking by nyght.s Lauaterus of Tigurin wisheth health.¶To the right excellent and moste wise and vertuous lorde Iohn Steigerus Cōsul of the noble cōmon welth of Berna, his good lorde and patron, Lew.Note that the first number signifieth the Page,

Of Ghostes and Spirites Walking by Nyght and of Strange Noyse... by Lewes Lavater