
The Fall by Albert Camus
The Fall by Albert Camus

The Fall by Albert Camus

And when he is disappointed with others and himself, he does not give up his sins, but with pleasure repents and begins to play a new role – the highest Judge. Clamence’s whole life was aimed at finding those who would adore him. On the contrary, he calls his main feature contempt for people and love for himself. Only in contrast to the biblical character is the hero Camus far from true faith and love.

The Fall by Albert Camus

Translated from French, it means – John the Baptist. The main character meets his compatriot in the bar Mexico City in Amsterdam and tells him the story of his life for five days. The storyline “The Fall” is made in the form of a stream of consciousness, invented by the impressionists. In this work, the French existentialist tried to answer the eternal question: “What is the meaning of human existence”? To answer, he chose the form of a monologue, coming from the lips of former Parisian lawyer Jean-Baptiste Clamence and the current “judge on repentance.” Confession of the hero is a kind of analysis of the state of the contemporary author of society. Published in 1956, “The Fall” by Albert Camus belongs to the genre of philosophical novels.

The Fall by Albert Camus